The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #165645   Message #3976194
Posted By: Jim Carroll
11-Feb-19 - 02:41 PM
Thread Name: Where Have all the Folkies Gone
Subject: RE: Where Have all the Folkies Gone
" bemoaning the fact that you cannot go to a folk club and hear folk songs "
Without hearing ANY folk songs Dave
"Anthony John Clarke"
I'd never heard of him until I just googled him - pleasant enough but little to do with the narrative folk song Northern Ireland is renowned for
He wansn't the type I was referring to
Last Time I was at the club at C# House Cellar we were treated to someone reading the words of Buddy Holly songs from a phone
I have never used the term unacceptable - my complaint is that non fok songs have more otr less driven the traditional songs away - acculturation, I think is the technical term
There has never been a problem with contemporary songs a long as they fit easily in with traditional ones
omeone came into the Singers Club one night and gane Ewan and Peg a first edition set of Child - instead of raffling it, the Club ran a songwriting competition - John Pole won (the bastard!!)
If yhou can't see the difference between what I am saying and what you are, it reall is a waste of time us talking I'm sad to say

Regarding Sweet Thamas -
A highlight of last Sunday in Dublin was to hear a youngish woman sing it beautifully- as well as I've heard it for a long time - she sang it unaccompanied
If you can't manage to accompany it - don't bother - it doesn't need it