The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #7108   Message #397678
Posted By: GUEST,oh-no
14-Feb-01 - 01:01 AM
Thread Name: Joe Heaney (1919-1984)
Subject: RE: Joe Heaney
Hi all, first apologies to Max, Bert, and the Elves, I am not rejoining since I have serious security issues here and would not want them to follow me to Mudcat so fer now yall gonna have to guess.

Joe Heaney like Cooley, and several other great Musicians from the wee Isle have picked up a big following, this quality of good music is not exclusive to that location but that is another thread.

There were and are several other sources in the region for 'full value' noted music, eg Matt Cranitch early recordings, Matt as you probably know is a Fiddler.

I am astonished to hear here in the USA Celtic bands playing some of these great old Tunes at full throttle and not a note of it half right.

Unrelated, the other day I found a great source of American Traditional on the Net.

Appal Shop Blueclickything

George Gibson has some great songs and is a fine contemporary singer! What could I say, if you like Joe Heaney you'd love this as well.