The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60018   Message #3977386
Posted By: GUEST,chouxfleur
17-Feb-19 - 01:21 PM
Thread Name: Obit: Miles Wootton (1934-2019)
Subject: RE: Obit: Miles Wootton (1934-2019) - died Feb 9, 2109
In answer to CJB's question about making a definitive list of Miles's songs, it might help to know that, (as one of his long time friends) I have in my possession a large number (though as it turns out , not all) of his files full of his original handwritten scripts of songs, pieces for radio, newspapers and ideas for shows and even more songs. None of us, I believe knew how prolific this talented friend was. He was so self effacing that I believe, like Jake Thackeray, he never had the confidence to truly believe how good he was. I am currently scanning and saving all the material I have here, the originals will go to his daughters. Hopefully I will be able to have access to the rest of his work to scan and save, and later with the families consent make it all available.
I am also slowly gathering as many recordings I can of Miles besides those that were commercially available.
I hope to ensure his work lives on. All singers and performers out there do your bit, learn and sing Miles' songs at your local club. A bright light has gone out, lets ensure we remember Miles through his work.