The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30818   Message #397749
Posted By: GUEST,Spaceman
14-Feb-01 - 07:12 AM
Thread Name: Crying before class
Subject: Crying before class
Why 6 years old children cry before they come to class? Do I do something wrong? When I did observing another early childhood class of another teacher some chldren also cried and wanted their mothers. But the children there were too young perhaps 3 to 5 years olds. So what is happening with my students? One of my students who was six years old dropped from the class. When we were doing classes he was crying and wanted his mother desperately. Another student yesterday came with red eyes and when I asked him he admitted that he was crying before he came to class. I am afraid of loosing this student too. The children in my class seem enthusiastic and they contribute a lot to the class. So what is wrong then?

My six years old piano student also complained that she was getting upset every time she has piano lessons with me. I guess this is totally another issue because this particular student does not study enough and her mother is very uninterested and does not care to help her daughter make progress. Can a six year old child study by herself without the help of her mother? And can I say to her that she is doing fine in case she is not doing any progress at all? I invited her mother to come to listen to her daughter's lessons so that she can help her but what else can I do?