The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36608   Message #3977585
Posted By: Donuel
18-Feb-19 - 12:00 PM
Thread Name: What's the weather like where you are?
Subject: RE: What's a Super Duper Jupiter full moon?
I was browsing NOAA and learned about some new weather satellites that are dedicated to AK,CA and HA when my touch screen opened a site (unseen link) that listed preliminary reports. Going deeper I saw an item called a possible Super Duper Jupiter moon this March due to an unusual alignment. I was immediately reminded of an obscure article from the ESA that an object seen only in infrared may be causing havoc in the orbital mechanics of some of the smaller moons around the gas giants. Ganymede and Titan do not seem to be involved. (stick a pin in this)

I know that small rogue black holes exist and would have an infrared signature like any black hole. Only confirmation of gravitational lensing of an object obviously outside our solar system in the vector of Jupiter as seen from Earth this March will confirm a super massive unseen object and if it is approaching us or not.

But for now this is not a forecast but merely speculation.
Wouldn't it be exciting if a small black hole starts flinging moons and planets around?   May we live in interesting times.