The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54404   Message #3978950
Posted By: Charley Noble
25-Feb-19 - 09:53 AM
Thread Name: Steamboat coonjine songs
Subject: RE: Steamboat coonjine songs
I've been looking for a song said to have been sung by roustabout called "The Parting Song." There's a lot of songs by that title but so far I can't seem to find a good match.

Here's the reference and commentary:

"The Parting Song" as described in "Down the Mississippi" by George Ward Nichols, Harper's New Monthly Magazine, Vol. 41, November, 1870, p. 836:

"At the hour appointed the lines were cast loose, and we backed easily out from among the crowd of steamers which lay at the levee... At the bow of the boat were gathered the negro deck-hands, who were singing a parting song. A most picturesque group they formed, and worthy the graphic pencil of Johnson or Gerome. The leader, a stalwart negro, stood upon the capstan shouting the solo part of the song, the words of which I could not make out, although I drew very near; but they were answered by his companions in stentorian tones at first, and then, as the refrain of the song fell into the lower part of the register, the response was changed into a sad chant in mournful minor key."

Charlie Ipcar