The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #165738   Message #3979165
Posted By: Iains
26-Feb-19 - 09:41 AM
Thread Name: BS: george orwell comment
Subject: RE: BS: george orwell comment
That the establishment uses the 'rough men' (workers) as cannon fodder to create and maintain unequal society for the privileged few society has never been a matter of dispute as far as the left are concerned

A perfect illustration of how communism thrived. Whereas the educated know that democracy has inbuilt checks and balances to prevent such a situation arising.

When steptoe senior quotes Marx in Parliament we know further discussion with the left is a lost cause. Now metropolitan labour has ignored their heartlands I look forward to their utter annihilation come the next election. It may partially compensate for the betrayal of the democratic vote to leave the EU.