The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #165660   Message #3979529
Posted By: Jim Carroll
28-Feb-19 - 05:41 AM
Thread Name: UK 60s Folk Club Boom?
Subject: RE: UK 60s Folk Club Boom?
2Firstly, who is running an outfit where anything counts as folk song? "
These are generally addressed comments not aimed at anybody in particular Dave, but some of the arguments you have put up indicate that you are happy with a scene that does just that
You linked to your club yet put up failed (to one degree or another) or wannabe pop singers
Folk is folk - it defines itself and we've been arguing that definition for some time now
What is being put up as suitable for modern clubs bears no relation to folk as it has always been
The argument seems to be whether a small and diminishing group of folkies can make 'folk' mean sonething else (but seem reluctant to say what exactly (playing a guitar on the street seems to have come nearest - Dublin streets are full of wannaby Tommy Steels (I kid you not), doing just that

"and where did I say anything about "far too argumentative"? "
You didn't - Ray did
Keep up :-)