The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30818   Message #398120
Posted By: Helen
14-Feb-01 - 05:23 PM
Thread Name: Crying before class
Subject: RE: Crying before class
Hi Spaceman,

Are you doing some fun activities, and playing some music which is just for fun?

When I was young I lived next to a family and the father played the violin for amateur musical productions. His fther played the piano, and we used to love listening to the times when the two of them would get together and have jam sessions.

The children of that family had to learn the piano. They had to do serious lessons and to practise every day. They practised because they *had* to and not because they enjoyed playing music. Now that they are adults - 35 years later - as far as I know they don't play music at all. They could never see the fun in music, only the serious side.

On the other hand, my sister and I learned to play a plstic whistle in late primary/elementary school. OUr class had a band and we really had a lot of fun. BY having fun we learned that music was a worthwhile way to sepnd our time. We both went on to playing other instruments and now we play together for fun as well as for the occasional wedding or concert.

So, I am not saying that it should only be for fun and enjoyment all the time, but if you can help your students to see why playing music is worthwhile then maybe they will be more motivated to study, and they will be happier coming to class.

Can you get them to play Chopsticks or Heart & Soul duets? Can you show them some of the benefits of learning music?

Helen (a trainer by trade)