The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #165844   Message #3982762
Posted By: Jon Freeman
17-Mar-19 - 11:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Anybody using Duolingo?
Subject: RE: BS: Anybody using Duolingo?
I’ve got it installed on my phone and have tried Welsh with it. Like Jeri, I don’t see that it fakes you in to anything.

As for usage, I find the adverts irritating. I suppose they are reasonable for a free set up but the only paid way out of that seems to be a $9.99 per month subscription. There is also something, I think about getting “Lingots”, that bugged me.

Overall though, I guess it could work for someone committed to practice (and I believe you can lose progress, or is it streak?, if you don’t keep up with the lessons – unless you buy your way out of that). I’m afraid that’s not me. I’ve found the (simple levels - I might have thought differently had I got further) exercises where for example you drag and drop words tedious and drawn out, lack the patience to do much typing on the phone (even though I’d really need that for spelling for starters) and only managed a week (rattling through a few of the “tedious” exercises in on session) before letting things slip…

One thing I noticed is that it’s a bit different to the way we were taught in school (I did have the later part of primary and 1st two years of secondary in N Wales). I’d for example use “rydw i’n hoffi coffi” (I like coffee) and they use “dw i’n hoffi coffi”). There seems to be a bit on that one here