The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30818   Message #398302
Posted By: Sandy Paton
14-Feb-01 - 11:36 PM
Thread Name: Crying before class
Subject: RE: Crying before class
Does anyone besides this old codger read the comics? If so, do you read "For Better or For Worse," the wonderful daily from the Canadian woman (Lynn Johnston, is it)? Well, the little girl, April, has been learning the guitar from her grandfather. He is teaching her to play by ear. The mother, worried a bit about that, arranges for her to take "real" music lessons from a teacher who starts teaching her to play scales, etc., by note. The grandfather is a little hurt by this, since he feels his contribution is being disapproved of, somehow.

Well, the grandfather has a mild heart attack and is in the hospital. The family comes to visit and April has brought her guitar. "Would you like to hear me play?" "Sure," they tell her. She plays. Her mother says, "That's beautiful! Is that something you learned from your music teacher?" "No," says April, "I learned that one from grandpa." "Oh," the mother observes, "Then you learned that one by ear?"

"No," April replies. "I learned that one by HEART!"

'Nuff said.