The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #165660   Message #3983683
Posted By: Jim Carroll
21-Mar-19 - 02:57 PM
Thread Name: UK 60s Folk Club Boom?
Subject: RE: UK 60s Folk Club Boom?
"If you think that not agreeing with your very narrow view means that people despise and denigrate the music.
"I'm given the quotes and have given my reasons for extending my opinion beyond them
It doesn't interest me one way or another who agrees with them - as you people have been saying from day one - there's no way of opening closed minds (or words to that effect)
I have seldom come across so may closed minds than I have here - I most certanly haven't "blown my top - I can't remember enjoying an argument as much as I am enjoying this one - it relly has exceeded all my expectations.
I leave that to those who resort to personal insulting and ageism

I got your message Dave - whatever way you care to phrase it, you have no intention of putting your money where your mouth is - can't say I'm not disappointed, but your prerogative, of course

"more like ever decreasing circles."
Have it your own way Al - I have you running in ever decreasing circles - same thing as far as I'm concerned

Nice to see Carthy's opinions are given the same cold shoulder as have mine, and he is far more articulate than I am