The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #165660   Message #3983826
Posted By: Jim Carroll
22-Mar-19 - 07:44 AM
Thread Name: UK 60s Folk Club Boom?
Subject: RE: UK 60s Folk Club Boom?
You make the accusation Vic, your job to do the work to prove it - that's the way justice works
You mentioned Brian Creer, I think - Brian has not posted to this thread and I haven't crossed swords for him for several years
I have gone out of my way to be as polite as possible on these threads - all the personal abuse has come from elsewhere - you have remained as silent on the as you have on Al's attack on the folk song we have both been involved in for decades
I have not been intolerant - I have responded to each point firmly but politely - if I have not changed my mind, neither has anybody else
Where have I expressed intolerance - or do I have to go to Joe offer to find that out as well
If you really missed '"sepia rural" you can search it out on this thread
THe "£unsuitable ballads came from Jim Bainbridge who complained of arranging a tour for a singer of folk songs who had the temerity to sung 'unsuitable long ballads'
Hope it wasd't Jeannie Robertson or Sheila Stewart
"I don't mean just the grammatical error; "
Tsk-tsk - sorry - will try to do better next time
Tried to avoid typos, but I'm sure you'll find a fewl lapses in grammar if you try hard enough
And I'm the intolerant one !!!
I think we're finished here Vic - I've become vvery tired of your one sided condemnatory behaviour
In case you missed it - a guest has just written of the replacement folk songs as futting the folk scene in "a more positive light - something else for you all to ignore
Jim Carroll