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Thread #165570   Message #3985521
Posted By: Jim Carroll
02-Apr-19 - 09:38 AM
Thread Name: BS: Brexit #3: A futile gesture?
Subject: RE: BS: Brexit #3: A futile gesture?
"On top of that, I can't bring myself ever to want any referendum about anything at all."
Perhaps you should read how they've moved Ireland on from the first half of the 20th century by some of the progressive decisions that have been taken comparatively recently
Trusting the people really has worked a treat here as have public displays of disapproval, despite indifference and opposition on the part of politicians and parties
The rules for referenda need to be well-thought out and a block put on the use of the type of populism that gave the world Brexit and Trump - the use of 'scapegoating' needs to be outlawed
Britain allowed Farage and the now discredited Ukip to run riot a disgraced Party and a swaggering no-nothing
Not something to be proud of
The other aspect of Irish democracy that is preventing a mess like Britain has become is Proportional Representation - it is noteworthy that this was the fist think to be discarded in the creation of a sectarian State in the Northern Counties
Whatever the result of Brexit, it's going to take a long time before anybody takes British Parliamentary Politics seriously again - inside and outside the UK
A sharp cleaning out of the Augean Stables might - just - do it