The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #165943   Message #3985878
Posted By: StephenMillar
04-Apr-19 - 09:45 AM
Thread Name: Tune Req: Copperhead Road Original Tune
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Copperhead Road Original Tune
Thanks for writing back, Jerry!

I take your point RE the narrow contour of the melody, but do you know of a particular tune or air that Earle is using? Further, Copperhead Road's percussive passage is pretty unusual. I'm asking because there was an Ulster loyalist song called Gun Runners that was written in 1968 that is exactly the same (same tune, percussive passages etc.) and predates Earle's song. I know Earle collaborated with The Pogues and it's possible they showed it to him, but given their republican sympathies, it seems strange that they would have learned the song via loyalism and then passed it on to Earle. Hence my hunch that both The Gun Runners and Copperhead Road are based an older folk song.

Another possibility is that the loyalist in question wrote the lyrics to Gun Runners in 1968 (or there abouts) and these were fitted to Earle's song later. Unfortunately the loyalist in question has passed away, so I can't go to him and ask directly. Further, given most of these records were produced 'underground', there isn't reliable data on when particular recordings were made etc.

If you're interested in listening to the version I'm talking about, it can be found on YouTube under 'Gusty Spence Interview 2' at around 13min 40sec. Here is a link:

Thanks again,