The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #165955   Message #3986316
Posted By: punkfolkrocker
07-Apr-19 - 02:58 PM
Thread Name: The problem with Discogs
Subject: RE: The problem with Discogs
If I published songs i'd be concerned to get the fair royalty payments to supplement my meagre pension...

But if I had kids who wanted to profit from my 'talents' long after I'm gone
I'd tell 'em to eff off and write their own bleedin' songs...

.. and i wouldn't give a monkeys about how history regarded my 'legacy'...
As long as anyone who wanted to enjoy the products of my love and hard work
had easy affordable access..

Not getting at you personally Rossey, but you've raised an interesting issue..

I'm just fed up with all the bitter disputes between various deceased artist's estate rights holders
who prevent good LPs ever getting released again..

..while the tapes moulder and decay...

I'd be keen on rights becoming public domain
on death of artist and immediate spouse, maybe extended until their kids are 18...

Of couse, as benefitial as that might be for the 'folk process',
it'll never become law anywhere music corporations
and worst undeserving overentitled families* extend their greed...

[* I'd dread to think my songwriting fortune ended up uner control of some of my family...
bloody good job I'm talentless and skint..]