The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #165953   Message #3986439
Posted By: Bonnie Shaljean
08-Apr-19 - 06:00 AM
Thread Name: Council destroys pipe organ
Subject: RE: Council destroys pipe organ
Well, they're managing to fix up the surrounding building all right. If they could handle that, they could handle cleaning the Compton - IF it needed it. I'd been wondering the same thing as Jack - asbestos in organ pipes??? - but I don't know enough about wind-driven instruments to feel sure. Sounds like asbestos is not an intrinsic part of their makeup. That makes it easier to remove.

But if the Compton didn't need repair, why was it sacrificed? To free up space in their shiny new civic centre? Consoles are easily moved. That's only speculation, though. Bottom line, the council went ahead and dumped the pipes, which the taxpayers had bought, without consulting anyone. And they only learn about it after it's a fait accompli. It's outrageous.

I hope local people can form a committee or something, and get this looked into, based on hard, verifiable facts. Jos's asbestos-in-landfill question is especially troubling. Is it definitely too late to save those pipes?