The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #165689   Message #3987952
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
18-Apr-19 - 04:38 AM
Thread Name: BS: Should 'Jihadi bride' come back to UK?
Subject: RE: BS: Should 'Jihadi bride' come back to UK?
the difference is that the remainers focus on a few bonkers bastards to the extreme right.

in this way they totally sidestep the reasons and problems inherent in EU membership of EU. They are totally in denial, and say all kinds of rubbish - for example the oft repeated lie that British industry was on its knees prior to joining the EEC.

What is really the pain in the balls with Remainers is the daily dollop of abuse and feigned fury that arrives on my facebook page every day.

last week, Mike Harding wrote a post about his Uncle Len, a Leave supporter and total moron. One of Len's sins was failing to understand why the rest of Europe failed to feel any gratitude for Britain's role in WW2. My God! If Uncle Len had a war anything like my parents........

Anyway carry on abusing. I think you will find when eventually you middle class types bully your way to a second referendum, you will reap your reward in public disgust for the way you (as a whole -not just a few mad well publicised fuck-ups) have conducted yourselves.