The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #165689   Message #3987998
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
18-Apr-19 - 10:14 AM
Thread Name: BS: Should 'Jihadi bride' come back to UK?
Subject: RE: BS: Should 'Jihadi bride' come back to UK?
i suppose it all comes down to class, and if you trust Mr Corbyn.

Does it 'eck! What has class and JC got to do with having sympathy for a young woman in the dreadful situation of having dropped a complete clanger and paying the harshest price imaginable for it; the loss of 3 children and her own identity. Are you saying that only the middle class or those trusting JC are capable of compassion? What does that make the working class and those opposed to JC? Heartless monsters?