The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153463   Message #3988018
Posted By: leeneia
18-Apr-19 - 11:54 AM
Thread Name: Tune Req: Allison Gross How to sing
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Allison Gross How to sing
I clicked on the link above and read the lyrics to Allison Gross. The reason why the song is hard to sing is that it's icky and awkward. Who wants to admit that they were fool enough to be enticed into an ugly witches' lair. Who wants to detail her attempt at seduction?

Who put the lyrics into the first person? (I bet the original was in the third person.) The lyrics are specious, and that's why it's hard to make it sound right.

Not to mention combining a modern name like Allison Gross (Gross is German) with that archaic Scottish dialect...