The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154766   Message #3988961
Posted By: Nigel Parsons
24-Apr-19 - 11:17 AM
Thread Name: Contents: Singing Together at
Subject: RE: Contents: Singing Together at
1976 Spring
The iron horse
Casey Jones
Tinga Layo
Spanish serenade
She's like the swallow
Old turf fire
Must I then
Bard of eve
Quinoro's pearl

1976 Summer
The drover's dream
Yellow bird
In summer the sun shines brightest
Newcastle Fair
The wild white rose
The Mingulay boat song
Brave Topolini
Blow away the morning dew

1976 Autumn
O I did climb a tree-top
Old Mister Tucker
The Fox
Skye boat song
If I was a blackbird
All through the night
The pine tree
Now in Bethlehem Mary tarried
The bagpiper's carol
Gloucestershire Wassail
The shepherds of the hillside

1977 Spring
The pearly Adriatic
The streets of Laredo
Pay me my money down
The shuttle rins
I wander
Cosher Bailey
The water of Tyne
The leaving of Liverpool
The donkey's burial
Evening music
Kitty of Coleraine

1977 Summer
Santy Anno
I loved a lass
The yellow rose of Texas
Banana boat song
The boys of Kilkenny
The ash grove
The wreck of the sloop John B

1977 Autumn
Sour grapes
Old Zip Coon
The girl I've left behind me
Once a farmer and his wife
Aiken Drum
Fourpence a day
No room was there for Mary
Go tell it on the mountain
O ru-ru-ru
Huron Indian carol
Yodlers' carol