Joe, that UNC piece is a treasure! The record store buisness card/advert just priceless! More fuel for a workshop I'm planning of Caroline's legacy in song, and Folk Legacy and the folks on it, make up a large portion of the narrative tying them together.
Without being splashy in a commercial way, Folk Legacy seems to have made significant contributions to almost everyone involved in American traditional music. I wonder if it's just the folks I know, and hang out with, that incline me to think that the Patons made a bigger contribution to trad music than Pete Seeger, and deserve to be as well known. They arent, of course, and Pete did more to popularize folk music, which is a different thing of great value. Sandy and Caroline were source and wellspring. I feel similarly about Frank Harte in the realm of Irish songs. Many's the Irish trad megastar who would say "I got this song from Frank Harte"." I know so many splendid singers who "learned this through Folk Legacy/ Their artists"
It is both important and significant that this preservation is happening.