The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #165433   Message #3990887
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
05-May-19 - 11:31 AM
Thread Name: De-clutter & Fitness: House, job, life 2019 - 2020
Subject: RE: De-clutter & Fitness: House, job, life - 2019
Last night as I was dropping off to sleep I did a mental inventory of the places where water stands (and mosquitoes breed). This morning is dedicated to either removing the catchment or adding mosquito dunks to kill the little buggers.

Tomorrow is trash day, so this afternoon's sunshine (!) hours will see me move bundles of limbs to the curb, cutting up the decrepit bench (it is in a three-legged drunken sprawl, tilting back down there at the curb) and getting rid of the broken trash can.

I've moved a tall bucket to the back yard area near the fence posts I'm pulling out. There is leftover soil from earlier holes that I'll keep in the bucket so I can level the spots and go ahead and start burying my Invisible Fence wire. I started to do that yesterday then realized I was going through a mound of soil that needs scooping out of there to level the spot. The weeds are robust along that strip so I have to get control of the space. Once the line is buried so I can push the mower back there or use the weed-eater.

Yesterday's run to the recycle bins got rid of my stuff but also scored me some newspapers that were within reach. I use them in layers in the garden.

The old dog has trained me well; I've discovered that small (about a tablespoon each) dabs of the canned dog food, spaced out on an old tin pie plate, are just what she wants. Dog hors d'oeuvres. She isn't eating a lot, but she's eating. And I can give her this more often to get the volume of food up.