The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166132   Message #3992406
Posted By: keberoxu
14-May-19 - 05:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: If you don't like salads......
Subject: RE: BS: If you don't like salads......

other BS threads have taken up the naming question,
it can be done again here.

In Italy, that one leafy green insalata
has multiple names
depending on the region,
which names migrated to parts of the world
with the Italians who migrated there.

In these United States
we say "Arugula"       for the greens
that the English call "rocket."

In the northeastern US, where I live,
the franchise/chain restaurant "Bertucci's"
does a dandy entree salad
with grilled chicken breast,
baby arugula,
and artichoke hearts.