The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166159   Message #3992859
Posted By: Bonnie Shaljean
18-May-19 - 06:17 AM
Thread Name: Obit:Herman Wouk, author extraordinaire(1915-2019)
Subject: RE: Obit: Herman Wouk, author extraordinaire
I enjoyed the two-volume WWII saga The Winds of War and War And Remembrance, which I read after Caine Mutiny. I also loved Marjorie Morningstar, (devoured at a very impressionable age - 13 - almost in one sitting). His strait-laced attitudes on women and unmarried sex aren't mine - and weren't, even then - but he tells a good tale, driven by believable people. His characters are strong and sympathetic, male and female alike.

I see he wrote an autobiography when he turned 100, titled Sailor And Fiddler, which he intended to be his last book, declaring "I have said my say, done my work." NPR did a nice review, calling it "a lovely coda to the career of a man who made American literature a kinder, smarter, better place."

R.I.P. Mr. Wouk. The worlds you created gave us a lot of pleasure.