The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56732 Message #3994830
Posted By: Neil D
01-Jun-19 - 04:24 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat Poetry Corner
Subject: RE: Mudcat Poetry Corner
Here's one I wrote while sitting out at the open mic my town holds every Saturday in nice weather. Nearly every line refers to someone who was there at the time, including my dogs, so you won't recognize them.
I saw Joseph talking to Jesus Down on Market Street last night DJ was there a-running things While Saint Stephen lit his pipe Mike was miking at the mic Making sound that sounds quite right Heartbeats drumming at the sight Of beauty walking like the night Stetson hats are shading faces In the amber glow of the old street light
The cowboy on his laurels resting After yodel-odel-odeling With Iron waiting in the wing With maybe one more song to sing Girly Girl was looking on With Bitty-bye protectoring Twilit skies in a hundred eyes Sparking and reflectoring Ears say thanks for gifts you bring While minds go transcendentalling