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Thread #165570   Message #3995567
Posted By: Iains
07-Jun-19 - 04:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: Brexit #3: A futile gesture?
Subject: RE: BS: Brexit #3: A futile gesture?
No, I asked for your judgment

It is: does Bruin sh*t in the woods? The labour Party has a problem

The Equality and Human Rights Commission’s announced last week that it is to formally investigate Labour over anti-Jewish racism

"Like her party leader she accuses the BBC of being “pro-Israel”, this is now a matter of course for Corbynistas. As recently as just a few months ago Forbes posted in an anti-Semitic hate group that talks of “Zionist rats”. The group itself posts content alleging the Jewish State has “improper influence” and “spends a fortune perverting our democracy”, promotes rallies organised by Hamas and proscribed terror group Palestinian Islamic Jihad."
Forbes has quietly deleted Facebook posts but they still exist. Forbes signed a letter to Labour’s NEC calling on the party to not adopt the IHRC definition of anti-Semitism in full…

"Labour MP Jess Phillips said despite Jeremy Corbyn’s party beating Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party to win the seat, “I cannot be gleeful or proud as I’d want to be because of how it shows that anti-Semitism is becoming normal in the party”.
Labour MP Wes Streeting echoed Ms Phillips’ views, adding he had not campaigned in Peterborough because he wanted to demonstrate a “zero tolerance” approach to anti-Semitism.

Labour former minister Dame Margaret Hodge said on Twitter: “Seriously mixed feelings about the Peterborough result. I never want to see Nigel Farage’s party in Parliament.“But Lisa Forbes and the Labour Party have a lot to answer for. We must learn lessons and never have a repeat of this. Have formally raised concerns with party leadership.”

The Jewish Labour Movement said Ms Forbes needed to go “far further” in her apology and condemned Party bosses for having “consistently failed to take a zero-tolerance approach to anti-Jewish hate”.
A movement spokesman added: “This has encouraged a culture to develop where not only is it acceptable for someone who has shared racist material and rejected the internationally accepted IHRA definition of anti-semitism to be a member, but they can advance politically and gain public office.”

I trust I have answered your query!