The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #165984   Message #3995629
Posted By: beachcomber
08-Jun-19 - 07:27 AM
Thread Name: Burl Ives the musician (instrumentalist)?
Subject: RE: Burl Ives the musician (instrumentalist)?
Oh, much thanks also to you Keberoxu. You have answered my question as to the issue date of the SONGS OF IRELAND LP. Ives sang many of the songs in a tempo that I was more used to hearing , emanating from the public houses of the village where I lived C.1950s, when people gathered for various reasons, Weddings, Christenings or even funerals.
The up-tempo versions of the later Irish folk groups of the late 50s and on, seemed rather "Americanised" to me when I first heard them but, of course, became the popular style soon after.
Thanks again to all, including "Lonesome Train Cantata"