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Thread #165570   Message #3996610
Posted By: Iains
16-Jun-19 - 04:27 AM
Thread Name: BS: Brexit #3: A futile gesture?
Subject: RE: BS: Brexit #3: A futile gesture?
A General Election would seem the only clean way to solve the present impasse. But it is fraught with all sorts of possibilities.
Tory and Labour will have to state a very clear position on Brexit (a herculean task for both)
How real is the support for the Lib Dems?
How much support would the Brexit party lose to a Boris premiership?
How real is the Brexit party threat
How many MPs will be deselected by their own constituency parties?
What confidence, if any, can be placed in polls prior to an election.

Any party manifestos will have to take very clear positions on Brexit.
Flimflam will not work a second time around. Labour will have to come off the fence or be destroyed. The Tories will have to support Brexit or be destroyed.
It will be a 4 horse race with two running as dark horses. Determining the winner will be a challenge, even for the bookies.

"A ComRes undertaken for The Daily Telegraph suggests that the current voting intention sees Labour ahead with 27 percent, and the Conservatives four percent behind with 23 percent of the vote.

According to the poll, which was undertaken between June 7 and 9, the Brexit Party would achieve 22 percent of the vote, the Liberal Democrats 17 percent, and the Green Party five percent.

Bringing up the rear would be the SNP with three percent, and Plaid Cymru, Change UK and UKIP all with one percent.

The ComRes poll was of 2,017 British adults and taken between June 7 and 9.

he latest poll from YouGov shows the Brexit Party remains in the lead for general election voting intention.

The poll, conducted on behalf of the Times between June 9 and 10, asked 1,702 British adults what their voting intention was in Westminster.
The Brexit Party took the lead with 26 percent of the vote.

confused or what?