The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164314   Message #3996697
Posted By: keberoxu
16-Jun-19 - 01:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Varmints
Subject: RE: BS: Varmints
It's a wonder that I don't have to report
to the roadkill thread about flattened bunny rabbits.

Because, at the rate that the local cottontail rabbits
are racing around where I live,
there is going to be rabbit roadkill sooner rather than later.

And the cottontails WILL run in front of the moving car.
It seems to go with the soaking wet spring rains,
now turning into early summer rains,
which are encouraging all the green growing things to go mad.

Can the local mule deer, with their
Lyme-Disease-carrying deer ticks,
be far behind?