The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70606   Message #3996765
Posted By: Mo the caller
17-Jun-19 - 06:13 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Peter Gray / Peter Grey
Subject: RE: Origins: Peter Gray / Peter Grey
When I saw the thread title I thought it was about a different Peter Gray
the ex-boy friend of Annie Protheroe in WS Gilbert's Bab Ballads

The hatchet was uplifted for to settle PETER GRAY,
Then Gilbert plainly heard a woman's voice exclaiming, "Stay!"

'Twas ANNIE, gentle ANNIE, as you'll easily believe--
"O GILBERT, you must spare him, for I bring him a reprieve,
It came from our Home Secretary many weeks ago,
And passed through that post-office which I used to keep at Bow.

"I loved you, loved you madly, and you know it, GILBERT CLAY,
And having quite surrendered all idea of PETER GRAY,
I quietly suppressed it, as you'll clearly understand,
For I thought it might be awkward if he came and claimed my hand.

"In anger at my secret (which I could not tell before)
To lacerate poor PETER GRAY vindictively you swore;
I told you if you used that blunted axe you'd rue the day,
And so you will, you monster, for I'll marry PETER GRAY!"
                                                 [And so she did.