The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #165570   Message #3996894
Posted By: Steve Shaw
18-Jun-19 - 07:46 AM
Thread Name: BS: Brexit #3: A futile gesture?
Subject: RE: BS: Brexit #3: A futile gesture?
"The official Tory policy is leave and to honour the referendum result."

The official Labour policy is to leave and honour the referendum result.

Some of us in the party disagree with that, as we know that the referendum was a constitutional disgrace informed by campaigns of lies, therefore not worthy of honouring. We also know that the government can't be constitutionally bound by the result as the referendum was advisory only, in spite of Cameron's fatuous promises about it. We also know that the promised trade deals have not materialised and that brexit will certainly transform this country into a basket case. There's a dictator for life who doesn't need us running the most powerful and biggest economy on earth and an unstable lunatic in the White House, and we're about to be confronted by a resentful and uncooperative EU to boot once we leave. Very little else is going matter post-brexit. Well, we can always do a deal with Switzerland to remove tariffs on imported cuckoo clocks and army knives. So some of us want the one and only thing that is remotely in this country's interests, and that is to have the decision reversed. I'm coming round to the opinion that the only way to do that is to have a public vote in light of the new information we have that we didn't have in 2016, much as I'm appalled by the very idea of referendums in the first place. Whatever happens, or doesn't happen, in the next six months will be divisive and cause much trouble. No one route through this mess would be more or less divisive than any other. We can blame Cameron for that, a man of no vision whatsoever. And one of yours, not one of ours.

The politicians in parliament have been blamed for the impasse. But that isn't fair, as they are simply doing their job. You can't hand over a big decision to an ignorant public then blame MPs for failing to agree on what to do next to clear up the resulting bloody mess. The decision should have been in their hands all along. Of course, that would have meant staying in the EU. Which is why you prefer the idea of a rabble-rousing referendum, sidestepping and utterly subverting our parliamentary democracy. The democratic deficit in all this is entirely down to your lot and has nothing to do with remainers wanting a rethink. After all, your referendum was merely a rethink of the 1975 one, the overwhelming result of which YOU have never accepted. Just a little reminder once again that this brexit is one hundred percent a Tory brexit, cooked up by you and yours. Constantly bleating about Labour's brexit policy is, frankly, risible.