The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30924   Message #399704
Posted By: katlaughing
16-Feb-01 - 05:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: In memory of Erma Bombeck
Subject: RE: BS: In memory of Erma Bombeck
Sheesh, Mortee, where've ya been? She passed away in 1996! It's okay, though, darlin'....I miss her acerbic wit and ability to take anythign mundane, write about it, and make you almost pee your pants with laughter.

Thanks for sharing the list. I'd read it a long time ago, but forgotten most of it, although that may be because I already have incorporated much of the "would haves" into my life amd I've always worn purple, none of this waiting til I am an old lady BS!

Don't be too sad, lovey...spring is just around the corner and you'll get to play in the dirt!
