The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14725   Message #3997448
Posted By: GUEST,Jeanie Stahl
22-Jun-19 - 11:02 PM
Thread Name: Boston's folk music man Peter Johnson
Subject: RE: Boston's folk music man Peter Johnson
I was thrilled to find this thread after much googling trying to find what became of Peter. Today I was cleaning out some files and came across Peter’s pamphlet of original stories, Peter’s Progress, with an inscription by him. Someone earlier In this thread also mentioned the booklet. I had totally forgotten about Peter and was delighted to come across his name and writing. At dinner I told my husband about him and what a wonderful character he was and such a great proponent and lover of folk music.

When I met Peter, in the 1970’s, I was either still in college or just out and starting to perform at coffee houses in the Cambridge/Boston area, of course hanging around Passim, but also attending some of the fabulous jams at the Plough and Stars occasionally having the nerve to bring my guitar. So nice to read the fond memories of others. Boop, boop! For those of you who recall that.