The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166318   Message #3997747
Posted By: Mr Red
25-Jun-19 - 04:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: Understanding the other political side
Subject: RE: BS: Understanding the other political side
people electing Trump found the Democratic candidate to be even worse than Trump

Looking from the relative distance of the UK, what did for Hilary was the revelation of her e-mails. Which was from the interference of Russia. And Twitler still claims he never asked Russia. He didn't have to ask, he has minions and Russia would be only too glad to oblige.

And anyone who thinks Fakebook is not a conduit for manipulation, should look to its history. Obama used it to summon the faithful, the Arab Spring. And Russia are past masters at cyber crime and propaganda, and have a vested interest in the result. Make the connection!
There is evidence of refugees earning $1000 a month producing Fake Fakebook accounts and propagating whatever they were told to. Certainly one going public just post the UK referendum, revealing he was not alone.

Other anti-social media are available.

There are psychological techniques to propaganda that you would miss. Like showing horrific pictures is likely to move people towards the right, and it only needs a small percentage to be swayed in a first past the post type election. Large bold typeface, coloured background we know it is shouting but do we spot that or read the message?

These tricks are not about the other side that will refuse to "understand". It is just a nudge in the middle distance of the political landscape.