The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166368   Message #3999188
Posted By: Jim Carroll
04-Jul-19 - 01:23 PM
Thread Name: Peter Yarrow me-too'ed out of concert?
Subject: RE: Peter Yarrow me-too'ed out of concert?
I would have thought that, as far as Me Too is concerned, this has far more to do with firing a shot across the bows of an industry notorious for the abuse of power and privilege where gullible youngsters are concerned
The same approach has worked to some extent with clerical abuse, though it is infuriating to recognise that, despite the massive concession by the Government in shouldering a major part of the burden of reparation, the church is still reneging on its part of the deal
The plea of "too long ago" seems to be a popular one where priests and pop-stars are concerned.
Wonder why!
JIm Carroll