The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166368   Message #3999395
Posted By: GUEST
05-Jul-19 - 12:28 PM
Thread Name: Peter Yarrow me-too'ed out of concert?
Subject: RE: Peter Yarrow me-too'ed out of concert?
I was reading this morning of a case in America where a young man who raped a girl slightly younger than himself (she was underage, he was not), then passed around a film of the rape to his mates, heading it "what happens if your first sexua experiance is to be raped"
The judge, in his wisdom, ruled that "because the youth had no previous record and came from a very good home, it would be wrong to allow him to be tried as an adult at it would ruin a very promising future"
He also commented that he "didn't believe it to be rape as it wasn't carried out at gunpoint"

Yarrow's case isn't comparable with this atrocity at all but it is indicative of what women have to combat if they are brave enough to to bring charges against rapists and sexual molesters.
'Me To' needs all the help they can get when it comes to dealing with sexual predators in high places, in my book.

You obviously haven't read Mudcat's handbook
If a singer who has devoted his life to passing on his love of traditional song, has been unwise enough to comment on a woman's nail varnish at a folk club six decades ago, that heinous crime is still considered a worthy point for discussion thirty years after his death, even to the point of making discussion of the singer's work a no-go area.
On the other hand, if a folkie superstar shows his willie to a couple of fourteen year olds seeking his autograph, we should forgive and forget as it might stop him getting work
It's all down to perspective
Jim Carroll