The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166368   Message #3999514
Posted By: punkfolkrocker
06-Jul-19 - 11:53 AM
Thread Name: Peter Yarrow me-too'ed out of concert?
Subject: RE: Peter Yarrow me-too'ed out of concert?
I take a balanced fairly tolerant view on this..

I differentiate between evil serial sexual predators,
and young men making the most of the hedonistic lifestyle and temptations on offer
from being in a rock band 50 years ago...

Record labels knew they could rip off male artist with bad recording contracts
because the dumb young bucks were more than contented with the copious sex, drugs.. and rock n roll...

Anyone who was young in the 1970s, knows first hand that acceptable social norms and behavior
were very different back then...

Any musician behaving in such decadent libertine ways now in 2019
shouldn't be too surprised if arrested and vilified...
..and should always stay aware that there are phone cams and cctv everywhere...