The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166368   Message #3999609
Posted By: Steve Shaw
06-Jul-19 - 09:00 PM
Thread Name: Peter Yarrow me-too'ed out of concert?
Subject: RE: Peter Yarrow me-too'ed out of concert?
Some bad logic going on here. First, he definitely flashed his dick at young girls, maybe worse. Second, I definitely haven't killed anyone via speeding. It's a bit mischievous to make that comparison. Incidentally, if you want context, I was caught on a completely empty stretch of the A30 dual carriageway on a long, straight downhill section near Bodmin on a sunny Saturday morning in February. You judged me as a potential killer, yet, at the time of my offence (and I'm not complaining - bang to rights was I), the chances of my killing anyone were precisely zilch. So I've killed no-one, though I took a risk I suppose, slight though it was, but he definitely flashed his dick, maybe more. Yet you rush to judgement on me but give this other fellow a pass for an action that might have had you punching his lights out had you found that it was your daughter he'd abused. Weird.

And I haven't heard Susan invoking her Christianity. In fact, after years of reading her posts, it took someone other than her, in this very thread, to inform me of her Christian sentiments. I agree with Christians all the time about all sorts of things. Joe'll tell you that.