The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166368   Message #3999615
Posted By: punkfolkrocker
06-Jul-19 - 09:59 PM
Thread Name: Peter Yarrow me-too'ed out of concert?
Subject: RE: Peter Yarrow me-too'ed out of concert?
Steve - I've just read the first lines of your latest post,
and you are talking bollocks..

I couldn't give a monkeys about Yarrow.
My gang of 1970s teenagers always thought PP&M were far too drippy to be bothered with..
Out of curiosity I asked Alexa to play a Yarrow solo track today, and it was terrible.
I'm completely indifferent to the man skin off my nose what happens to him...

You are out of order accusing me of being an apologist for him...

I know anything about his criminality other than what's discussed in this thread,
which I was reading out of curiosity,
then commenting on as is any mudcatter's privilege to do..

But I am a life long pedestrian and cyclist,
and I've heard too many arrogant bad drivers making excuses for far too long...

I have family all over the South West, so I hope you consider that
if you ever decide to speed again.
Grave yards are full of over confident drivers and their victims...

In comparison to that, as distasteful as an old man's dick might be to see,
they are not as potentially lethal...

Btw.. I then read the rest of you post while composing this...
I'm fair and even handed like that...