The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166368   Message #3999676
Posted By: Mossback
07-Jul-19 - 10:19 AM
Thread Name: Peter Yarrow me-too'ed out of concert?
Subject: RE: Peter Yarrow me-too'ed out of concert?
Well now, lets see-

"not-too serious" incident, but Me Too appear to believe there can be no exceptions

Precisely. Thus treating rape and a lewd comment as equivalent and equal offences. Which is obviously bollocks.

People are treating this as an individual case, while, in fact it is part of a whole outlook

Thus Yarrow should suffer for the sins of others?

His lewd behavior in the presence of minors could have continued after this episode and preceded it.

So now its prosecute and punish and stigmatize people for what they MIGHT have done or MIGHT do? What's next, the thought police?

I figure it's better to err on the side of the victim and potential victims

To the point where the person under consideration is the one victimized?

if people in the music industry don't wish to avail themselves of his services I quite understand.

Rather like those bakers who didn't wish to bake a cake for 'cause they don't like faggots?

Then there's the howling mob that lynched Al Frankin because he acted like a jerk- nothing more serious. I assume you approve of and applaud that as well?

Perhaps that same mob can apply their talents to the serial rapist in the White House.