The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166368   Message #3999678
Posted By: punkfolkrocker
07-Jul-19 - 10:23 AM
Thread Name: Peter Yarrow me-too'ed out of concert?
Subject: RE: Peter Yarrow me-too'ed out of concert?
Steve - re: Gary Glitter...

I am mostly a lefty, but fairly right wing on law and order..
perhaps more so than a lot of conservatives...

I couldn't give a toss if Glitter rots and dies in prison,
or is free but stays hidden away out of sight.
AS long as he is robustly prevented from re-offending...

I'd even turn a blind eye if he got his share of punches and kicks in the vans and corridors of police custody...

He is a vile human being.

I know for a fact the local Somerset community were so in awe of him living in the area
they joked in envy about his jailbait house parties...
You can put that down to "it was the 80s" and "That sort of thing is normal for zummerzet.."
But he was tolerated and enabled.
There are rumours one of my cousins went to school with 15 year old girls who went to his parties.
She may even have been one of them.
It's the sort of thing no one ever talks about in that locality..

However, as evil as the man is,
I'll still enjoy his greatest hits - but discretely on headphones,
in case the neighbours hear and stir up a lynch mob...

He is by no means the only despicable artist folks have to make such difficult personal decisions about...

An old folkie recording artist was sentenced for child abuse somewhere in the west country recently.
[no.. not Harper.. a more obscure one hit wonder singer..]
I noticed it wasn't mentioned on mudcat...

[or if it was, it wasn't front page news...]