The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166368   Message #3999779
Posted By: GUEST
08-Jul-19 - 03:09 AM
Thread Name: Peter Yarrow me-too'ed out of concert?
Subject: RE: Peter Yarrow me-too'ed out of concert?
"It was an era of real indiscretion and mistakes"
No it wasn't - that was the way it was and it was very deliberate
Women were allotted their place in society from birth and groomed to be home-makers and baby producers - our laws were created to consolidate this and the taught religions established this as a social norm
The vows women took in church included that they "loved, honoured and "OBEYED" their spouses
It was written into the British statute that it was legal for a husband to rape his wife in 1736 and that law was not removed until 1991
Women were officially inferior to men and wives were the property of their husbands
That situation only began to change with the Suffrage movement, which unfortunately operated mainly on behalf of the better-off - unfortunately, the Suffragettes sold out their cause by colluding to send a generation of young men to their deaths in W.W.1

Women have fought imprisonment and open contempt to change that situation and, to a degree, have been successful, but for many, they still have a long way to go
Equality of Pay and working conditions still remains a remote deram for most women
No accident - no mistake - very deliberate

For some, women remain very second-class citizens

Since when has showing your willie to kids been "a joke", I wonder
I didn't think it funny when it happened to me as a child - nor did my wife when it happened to her
Jim Carroll