The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26502 Message #4000036
Posted By: r.padgett
09-Jul-19 - 02:26 PM
Thread Name: ADD: Home lads Home/Homeward (Cicely Fox Smith)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Home lads Home/Homeward
v1 Overseas in Flanders (**or Behind a trench in Flanders)~~~
With tramp of feet and jingle, I heard the gun teams:
v2 Brown thatch and gardens blooming~~~~~ The Meon flowing past them, so quiet as it goes (** and the cool shining river so pleasant where he? or she? flows
v3 Oh Captain Boxer traveller I see them also plain With tassled earflaps nodding all along the leafy lane (**ear~caps)
v4 All those lads and horses ~~(** Off all those lads and horse~~ For Dick fell at Givenchy and Prince beside the gun~~~(** There's Dick that died at Cuinchy and Prince beside the gun On that long red road to glory a mile or two from Mons
v5 Dead Lads and shadowy horses , I see them all so plain, I see them and I know them and call them each by name, riding down through Swanmore when all the West's a glow, and the lads all sitting sideway's~~~
** Dead lads and shadowy horses ~I see them just the same, I see them and I know them and name them each by name, Going down to shining waters when all the West's aglow and the lads all sitting sideways ~~~
Final chorus And it's home lads home with the sunset on their faces Home lads home to those quiet happy places etc ~~~
** from the Complete poetry of Cicely Fox Smith other amendments as sung by Kings Pond Shanty men