The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166394   Message #4000432
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
12-Jul-19 - 07:35 AM
Thread Name: Labour - the party of Remain
Subject: RE: Labour - the party of Remain
From the last post, you will gather that I'm not really expecting the party I have voted for all my life to score a famous victory. However - who knows - perhaps you are right in every particular.

My Father once explained something to me. In the second world war - the two gambling games most favoured by his regiment were brag (three card and nine card a Napoloeon (sometimes called Nap - occasionally pontoon - but the brag and nap were the favourites.

Dad said to me, Alan - these are games of chance, Very little skill involved. Its just the run of the cards. Now- if you find yourself in a game where you don't win a hand all night - the chances are that you are being cheated. Two nights and its definite - just walk away from the table.

Later in life we had a member of our family who found himself unable to walk away. He was suffering from a masochistic mental illness. He involved the family in many thousands of pounds worth of debt. Although finally you will be pleased to hear - he was cured - but it lasted maybe six years. All that time - never having any money - very lucky not to lose his wife and family.

Now if that was a a mental disease - just having to be part of the only game in town

In forty years we have been sat at the table - we have lost the fishing industry, the textile industry, the car industry, the steel industry, the ship building and repair industry, the motor bike industry, the dumper truck industry, the hosiery industry and so on.

No its not a panacea. We should have been much richer if we had not sat down at the table.

And if I have a chip on my shoulder - Ithink some people have a block of wood more centrally located.