The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166400   Message #4000482
Posted By: gillymor
12-Jul-19 - 11:45 AM
Thread Name: BS: #BoycottHomeDepot
Subject: RE: BS: #BoycottHomeDepot
The P.O.S. in the White House is dangerously inept, continues to fan the flames of race hatred for political gain and shred democratic institutions in a desperate effort to avoid an electoral loss that will leave him exposed to a shitstorm of civil, local and federal litigation. This isn't a game, anyone concerned with the continuation of our democracy has got to do what they can to dump this would be dictator. Mr. Marcus' association with HD has put them in the cross hairs, and maybe a boycott will force them to communicate with him if they want to save their business. He can do what he wants to with his money and I can buy my home goods where I choose. I hope HD and other merchants get the message.