The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166394   Message #4000484
Posted By: punkfolkrocker
12-Jul-19 - 12:05 PM
Thread Name: Labour - the party of Remain
Subject: RE: Labour - the party of Remain
Al - I'm just an outsider with opinions on the Labour party..
..besides, my vote for 'em is always futile in Scrumpyshire...

I'd suggest the Labour broad church has become far too broad,
and needs reigning in a fair bit..

There are too many factions of single issue pressure groups cluttering up and festering inside the party.
They need pruning back, or told to shut up...

Labour needs to concentrate again on it's roots and essential reasons for being...

Folks who become members of the Labour party should be only that,
not a member of a group within a group, etc, within the party,
prioritising their obsessive single issue over the well being and success of the Labour party acheiving government...

If I joined Labour to become an activist for 'fat balding scrumpy drinker friends of Labour',
and spent all my time moaning to the press that Corbyn
is biased and hostile to my special needs group.
That the more I make myself a pain in the arse disrupting the party and creating division,
the more nasty tweets I unfairly get.
Then demand everyone in the party who don't like scrumpy should be expelled..
That don't really make for a healthy electable opposition party...

They should join to be Labour members first and foremost,
and leave their extra curricular obsessive side issues outside in the bike shed...