The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166394   Message #4001291
Posted By: punkfolkrocker
20-Jul-19 - 10:17 AM
Thread Name: Labour - the party of Remain
Subject: RE: Labour - the party of Remain
"The cabal's sexual and anal obsessions are best left alone."

or the now deleted and paraphrased from memory..

" we mustn't put up with their filth.."

What I find amusing/uncomfortable/disconcerting/odd/unacceptable/etc
is that in a folk music forum celebrating the earthy music of the common working folks;
that such middle class prissy prim and proper pruderery should raise it's ugly head...

Whether it be from members or mods, it is out of place and unwanted.
This dreadful urge to impose self-rightious puritanical personal moralising on the mudcat community.
It goes way back to the supercillious paternalistic upper class Victorian christian interference and bowlderising
of the rambunctious and cheerfully vulgar songs of the greater common people...

Please remember, mudcat is a folk music forum in 2019,
not a Salvation Army hut in 1919..

Now to come back up to date right now and relate this to our concerns with the Labour Party.
Similar puritanical urges from various diverse zealots within the party to control and chastise members,
and all other ordinaray folks outside in wider society,
are ripping the party apart..
It has been taken over by middle class academics and careerist student politicians,
too obsessed with book learnt ideologies...
Forcing working class folks to abandon their own traditional party which they can no longer identify with.
Pushing them out into the direction of more relatable down to earth alternatives like Tommy Robinson and his thuggish kind...

Moralising puritanical control freaks are the bane of ordinary folks...
The modern left's obsession with strict unforgiving 'PC' is self defeating,
and effectively making the far right look a much more appealing prospect
for ex Labour voters fed up with how the party has been hijacked by uptight ideological puritans...