The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30910   Message #400150
Posted By: Lane
17-Feb-01 - 11:11 AM
Thread Name: Acoustic Pickup help...
Subject: RE: Acoustic Pickup help...
Well, the preamp question is a new one in the thread... I was of the impression that, since I'm talking about recording only, not PA, my Fostex will accept a mic without pre-amping... am I confused again?

Back to pick ups: I'm no longer thinking of using this Thinline based on what you folks have told me. So that means that I either go to some other kind of pickup, or, more likely that I find myself a mic. Is there another pick up option I should be looking at?

Now, on mics..... I'm pretty much leaning toward a SM 58, but now I have another question.... along with mic-ing my Martin and vocals, I would like to be able to record a small group of folks singing - I see from reading on the C1000s that it does that well, but I also cant find one of those for less than 199.00.... the question is, will a SM 57 or 58 serve this other puprose as well?

Again, thanks to all of you for the great help Lane