The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70606   Message #4002320
Posted By: Lighter
27-Jul-19 - 03:39 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Peter Gray / Peter Grey
Subject: RE: Origins: Peter Gray / Peter Grey
Ferd. V.D. Garretson, "Carmina Yalensia" (N.Y.: Taintor Bros. and Merrill, 1867), p. 44 (as sung at Yale U.) :

1 Once on a time there was a man, His name was Peter Gray;
He lived way down in that 'ere town, Call'd Penn-syl-va - ni - a.

Cho. Blow ye winds of the morning, Blow ye winds Heigh-o,
Blow ye winds of the morning, Blow, blow, blow.

2 Now Peter Gray he fell in love, all with a nice young girl,
The first three letters of her name were L - U - C Anna Quirl. Cho.

3 But just as they were going to wed, her papa he said “No,”
And consequently she was sent way off to Ohio. Cho.

4 And Peter Gray he went to trade for furs and other skins,
Till he was caught and scalp-y - ed by the bloody Indians. Cho.

5 When Lucy Anna heard the news, she straightway took to bed,
And never did get up again until she di - i - ed. Cho.

Francis Adams Donaldson, "Inside the Army of the Potomac," ed. J. Gregory Acken (Mechanicsburg, Pa.: Stackpole, 1998), p. 344 [written 1863]:

"We returned to camp [after the execution of a deserter] in silence, not a word was spoken, no sound save the dull heavy tramp of the battalions as they kept step to the shrill screech of the fife and drum of the Provost Guard, which stepped off merrily to the tune of 'Blow ye Windy Morning.'"